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Dreams Do Come  True 

Princess parties and heroic adventures

       We are Central Florida's premier character company. Dreams Do Come True is a local company of professional performers who will do more than all the rest - for less!

We have the lowest prices compared to all our competitors with the highest quality in entertainment and costumes.  All of our performers are highly skilled and professionally trained with many of them employed at local

theme parks. This knowledge and experience is guarenteed to bring your party or event, the most authentic experience possible. We pride ourselves in providing a truly unique children's party experience.

A character party or event with a touch of magic from one of our performers will make your child's dreams come true. Imagine your child's face when one of our professional characters arrives to party on his / her special day.

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*We don't offer any copy righted characters. Our characters are only from fables or legends.  If our characters look similar to media characters, look no further than the original tales they come from. 

© 2015, DDCT, LLC. All rights reserved
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